Registration is on now for spring programs and summer camps. Summer swimming and adult wellness registration begins on June 18, 2024.

 Home Registered/Drop-in Programs Visual arts Homeschool Art @ Smeltzer House

Homeschool Art @ Smeltzer House

Artist ABCs (6Y-12Y)

Learn, experiment, and master a new skill or two to grow in artistic thinking and self-expression. All supplies included.

Craft Sampler (9Y-14Y)

Get creative with different visual art and fine craft mediums. Enjoy clay building at Clay Hut, fusing glass in Studio One and art making at Smeltzer House. All supplies included.

Glass Fusing - Homeschool (9Y-17Y)

Fuse your creativity in the layers of glass and learn techniques for creating your own miniature glass artworks. All supplies included.