Registration for summer swimming lessons, adult wellness, visual arts and outdoor programs began June 18. Summer camp registration began on March 21.

Adult & Seniors

Cross Country Training Group

Join our cross-country group to sweat, inspire, and push boundaries. Running, or nordic dryland, together, we'll prepare for both the trails and the thrill of cross-country skiing. All abilities welcome.

Land Based Learning: Fire & Knife

Learn about building paperless fires, create feather sticks and master your craft. Participants will also learn to carve a spoon or a canoe out of Black Poplar Bark, while developing safe knife skills and carving techniques.

Learn to Canoe

Learning to canoe is easier than you think! With an emphasis on the fundamental canoeing skills, our qualified instructors can make this learning process go smoothly and give you confidence on the water. Learn with a friend or your family, Enjoy a new skill that can become a lifelong recreation activity. Note: This program takes place at the Islet Lake Staging Area

Picnic in the Park (18Y+)

Indulge in a thoughtfully curated picnic box for two as you immerse yourselves in the serenity of wildlife spotting, leisurely walks along the trails, and the gentle glow of the evening sun at Strathcona Wilderness Center. Explore the beautiful surroundings, embark on a self-guided tour amidst nature's wonders. Event runs from 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM. Tickets are sold per couple (1 ticket = 2 admissions)

Roller Skiing Clinic

Join this off-snow equivalent to cross-country skiing. This summer ski training clinic will help keep your ski fitness until the snow falls. Skis and poles provided. Adapted Mountain Board for para-ski also an available option. Participants must bring a CSA approved helmet, and skate- ski boots.

Trail Running: an introduction

Simply speaking, trail running is all about running on trails instead of paved roads or concrete urban paths. It’s about discovering new places and engaging in full body fitness. Each week we will explore a new topic and run route in essence of trail running, learn to run and enjoy the beauty of trails and community around you.

Two in a Canoe (18Y+)

Gorgeous Islet Lake is the perfect setting to enhance your relationship and learn a new skill! On this Date Adventure, learn basic tandem canoe skills and enjoy a picnic treat. Be surprised and amazed by the natural beauty of the setting, then relax around a group campfire to close out the evening with some hot beverages. Equipment, instruction and refreshments are included. The registration fee includes 2 admissions